
About Health

The Keewatin Tribal Council (KTC) Health Department provides advisory and advocacy services to the eleven KTC First Nations. KTC health department assists in the planning, development and implementation of those health programs and services that KTC First Nations deem necessary to attain, maintain and sustain their well-being. The health department oversees the administration and management of the KTC health department staff in their various functions. Some of the other related activities and focus include providing co-ordination and support to programs in the Keewatin Tribal Council to raise the level of health awareness and services in the KTC communities, raising the level of health and healthy lifestyles of the Keewatin Tribal Council First Nation citizens/communities, consulting with KTC First Nations communities and actively promoting and assisting in the delivery of optimal health services, promoting KTC First Nations communities awareness of healthy lifestyles and overseeing the development of management and administrative practices of the health programs and services in the Keewatin Tribal Council.

The overall funding levels provided by Health Canada under the First Nations & Inuit Health Branch to the Keewatin Tribal Council is through a Consolidated Contribution Agreement for the delivery of programs and services set out in the schedules in the agreement. Various amendments are added time to time to provide additional KTC Health programs and services` delivery.

The KTC Health Department maintains a level of staffing to compliment to the availability of program funding toward ensuring programs and services are operational to acceptable standards. Currently there is a total of 25 full time staff in the health department.

The KTC Health Department also receives funding for the delivery of Referral and Medical Transportation services. Please go to the Referral and Medical Transportation Department page for details on these services.