KTC Executive Office
The Board shall, annually, following the Annual Meeting of Members, appoint an Executive Council consisting of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary/Treasurer and other such officers as the Board may deem expedient.
As of March 2025, our Executive Council consists of:
- Chief Gilbert Andrews (God’s Lake Narrows First Nation)
- Chief Doreen Spence, Vice-Chairperson (Tataskweyak Cree Nation)
- Chief Jordna Hill, Secretary/Treasurer (Shamattawa First Nation)
- Chief Simon Denechezhe, Member (Northlands Dene First Nation)
Jurisdiction and Powers of Executive Council
- carrying out Policies and Directives of the Members as determined by resolution at any Meeting of the Members;
- coordinating and reviewing the activities of the Advisory Committees and recommending the prioritization of these activities to the Board and to the Members;
- reviewing and determining staffing levels and employee activities and salaries;
- authorizing expenditures of the Corporation;
- calling meetings of the Board;
- prescribing such rules and regulations not inconsistent with the Act and these by-laws relating to the management and operation of the Corporation as they in their unfettered discretion deem proper; provided that such rules and regulations shall have effect only until the next Annual Meeting of the Members. Failing confirmation of such rules and regulations by the Members the same shall cease to have force and effect from the date of the Meeting of the Members;
- taking such steps as they deem requisite to enable the Corporation to receive funding and benefits for the purpose of furthering the objectives of the Corporation.