Barren Lands


About Barrenlands

The Barren Lands First Nation inhabits the Brochet Reserve No. 197, situated on the northern shore of Reindeer Lake. The community is 928 kilometres north of Winnipeg and 19 kilometres east of the Saskatchewan border.

The First Nation is signatory to Treaty 10 signed in 1906.

Part of the Barren Lands First Nation separated to become the Northlands First Nation which relocated to Lac Brochet, 70 kilometres north of Brochet I.R. No. 197.

The native languages spoken are Cree and Dene.

According to the regional population statistics of December 2003, the First Nation has an on-reserve population of 422, off-reserve population of 405 and on Crown land population of 51. The total population of the First Nation is 878.

 Address:  P.O Box 40; Brochet, MB; R0B 0B0  Phone:  204-323-2300 Fax:  204-323-2275


Chief and Council
Chief Michael Sewap
Councillor Lyle Johnson
Councillor Steve Bighetty SR
Councillor Bill Linklater SR