Tataskweyak Cree Nation


About Tataskweyak Cree Nation

Tataskweyak First Nation is located in the community of Split Lake, Manitoba.

It is located 169 kilometers (105 miles) west of Gillam, Manitoba and 143 kilometers (89 miles) west of Thompson, Manitoba on Provincial Road 280 in Manitoba’s far north. It is considered the half-way point on the dangerous winter drive on MB 280.

NCN Bus Lines and other companies such as Arctic Beverages and Old Dutch provides the community with freight and goods on a daily basis. Despite its remoteness, it is one of Grey Goose’s most important destinations.

Tataskweyak recently had its 100 year anniversary of its treaty signing.

Tataskweyak has an annual ice fishing derby, where the first prize is usually a vehicle.

Address:  P.O Box 250; Split Lake, MB; R0B 1P0 Phone:  204-342-2045  Fax: 204-342-2270


Chief and Council
Chief Doreen Spence
Councillor Abbie Garson-Wavey
Councillor Alwyn Keeper
Councillor Ivan Keeper
Councillor Cynthia Ouskun
Councillor Joan Ouskun